Through charity and service to the industry, SG GLOBAL gives back
Thank you for visiting SB Global. We believe that the greatest success is in being able to give back. We can give to worthy causes through time, dollars or a combination of both.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill
Room to Read

Room to Read is a global organization seeking to transform the lives of millions of children in Asia and Africa by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Founded on the belief that World Change Starts with Educated Children, Room to Read works in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations and governments to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children and to ensure girls have the skills and support needed to complete their secondary education. Since 2000, Room to Read has impacted the lives of nearly nine million children and aims to reach 10 million children by 2015. Learn more at www.roomtoread.org.
Room to Read
PAWS Performing Animal Welfare Society

Since 1984, The Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) has been at the forefront of efforts to rescue and provide appropriate, humane sanctuary for animals who have been the victims of the exotic and performing animal trades. PAWS investigates reports of abused performing and exotic animals, documents cruelty and assists in investigations and prosecutions by regulatory agencies to alleviate the suffering of captive wildlife.
PAWS Performing Animal Welfare Society
Daily Bread Food Bank

Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that is fighting to end hunger in our communities. Every year thousands of people across Toronto rely on food banks. Daily Bread serves these people through neighbourhood food banks and meal programs in over 170 member agencies. – See more at: www.dailybread.ca
Daily Bread Food Bank
Ekal Vidyalaya

The Ekal Vidyalaya movement aims to help eradicate illiteracy from rural and tribal India by 2015. To date, Ekal Vidyalaya is a movement of over 51,943 teachers, 6,000 (Approximately) voluntary workers, 35 field organizations (scattered in 22 Indian states), and 8 support agencies as on August 2013. With this tremendous human force, the Ekal Vidyalaya movement strives to create a network of literacy centres that will educate and empower children in rural and tribal India. The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation is a charitable trust that initiates, supports, and runs one-teacher schools (popularly known as Ekal Vidyalayas) all over the country. With the participation of numerous non-profit trusts and organizations, this program has now become the greatest education movement in the country. www.ekal.org
Ekal Vidyalaya

As the Chair of GTACC , I have the great fortune of working with talented volunteers, generous sponsors and great members who have all helped grown GTACC over the years.
OUR MISSION is to benefit the Greater Toronto Area customer contact centre industry by positively engaging in knowledge exchange, networking and marketing initiatives.
GTACC is about sharing best practices, networking, supporting local Contact Centres with a knowledge based organization. It’s about people assisting people. www.gtacc.ca
For a list of upcoming events, check out www.gtacc.ca